Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh collection of photographs and drawings of the Colorado River region.
Container / Volume:
Box 1 | Folder 27
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh, a member of John Wesley Powells second expedition down the Colorado River (1871-1873); author of the Romance of the Colorado River and A Canyon Voyage, and numerous other books.
Manuscript caption. and Some of photographic contact sheets and prints from original negatives not included in Beinecke Library Digital Images Online.
Viceroy Bucareli, having read Father Palóu's diary which suggested the possibilities of more missions in the San Francisco area, is inspired to establish six new missions. The letters inform Fray Junípero Serra, president of the California missions, about the new missions, their needs, and the planned overland expedition to be made by Juan Bautista de Anza from Sonora to Monterey.
Subject (Geographic):
California--History--To 1846
Subject (Name):
Anza, Juan Bautista de, 1735-1788, New Spain Viceroy (1771-1779 : Bucareli y Ursúa), Palóu, Francisco, 1723-1789, Rivera y Moncada, Fernando de, and Serra, Junípero, 1713-1784
A letter written by the Jesuit Father Ugarte, a member of the College of Mexico, to Padre Provincial Palacios containing a detailed history on the early California missions. Ugarte claims the preceding padre provincials did not provide enough money and the missions of San Isidro and San Bruno have deteriorated. He describes raising money for the missions of San Francisco Xavier and Loreto and hopes for increased support for further missionary work in California. and Accompanied by a handwritten transcription.
Gift of Frederick W. and Carrie S.Beinecke.
Subject (Name):
Jesuits--California and Ugarte, Juan de, 1662-1730
Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh collection of photographs and drawings of the Colorado River region.
Container / Volume:
Box 1 | Folder 27
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh, a member of John Wesley Powells second expedition down the Colorado River (1871-1873); author of the Romance of the Colorado River and A Canyon Voyage, and numerous other books.
Manuscript caption. and Some of photographic contact sheets and prints from original negatives not included in Beinecke Library Digital Images Online.
Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh collection of photographs and drawings of the Colorado River region.
Container / Volume:
Box 1 | Folder 27
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh, a member of John Wesley Powells second expedition down the Colorado River (1871-1873); author of the Romance of the Colorado River and A Canyon Voyage, and numerous other books.
Manuscript caption. and Some of photographic contact sheets and prints from original negatives not included in Beinecke Library Digital Images Online.