Manuscripts, in different hands, of a collection of several dozen primarily satirical and anonymous poems, many scatological. The majority of the poems are political satires, especially concerning the abdication of King James II and the accession of King William III; other targets include Charles Montagu, Earl of Halifax; religious zeal; and France. Other poems satirize women, including Barbara Villiers (afterwards Palmer), Countess of Castlemaine and Duchess of Cleveland, with reference to her affair with rope-dancer Jacob Hall; Mrs. Moseley and her link with Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Baron Ashley and 1st Earl of Shaftesbury; and women's conduct generally. The collection also includes a broadside printing of Packington's Pound, as well as numerous satirical songs sung to its tune.
Binding: marbled covers, detached. and See "Early American Literature, vol. XIV, 1979, concerning the attribution of "A Fart" (p. 193).
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain--Court and courtiers, Great Britain--Politics and government--1660-1714, and Great Britain--Social life and customs--17th century
Subject (Name):
Cleveland, Barbara Villiers Palmer, Duchess of, 1641-1709, Etherege, George, Sir, 1635?-1691, Hall, Jacob, James II, King of England, 1633-1701. aut, Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of, 1621-1683, and William III, King of England, 1650-1702
Subject (Topic):
Ballads, English, English poetry--17th century, Political poetry, English, Songs, English, Verse satire, English, and Women--Conduct of life
Winchilsea, Anne Kingsmill Finch, Countess of, 1661-1720(?)
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Osborn fb70
Collection Title:
[Collection of 17th century poems], [1680-1700].
Container / Volume:
Box 1 | Folder 2
Image Count:
Manuscripts, in different hands, of a collection of several dozen primarily satirical and anonymous poems, many scatological. The majority of the poems are political satires, especially concerning the abdication of King James II and the accession of King William III; other targets include Charles Montagu, Earl of Halifax; religious zeal; and France. Other poems satirize women, including Barbara Villiers (afterwards Palmer), Countess of Castlemaine and Duchess of Cleveland, with reference to her affair with rope-dancer Jacob Hall; Mrs. Moseley and her link with Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Baron Ashley and 1st Earl of Shaftesbury; and women's conduct generally. The collection also includes a broadside printing of Packington's Pound, as well as numerous satirical songs sung to its tune.
Binding: marbled covers, detached. and See "Early American Literature, vol. XIV, 1979, concerning the attribution of "A Fart" (p. 193).
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain--Court and courtiers, Great Britain--Politics and government--1660-1714, and Great Britain--Social life and customs--17th century
Subject (Name):
Cleveland, Barbara Villiers Palmer, Duchess of, 1641-1709, Etherege, George, Sir, 1635?-1691, Hall, Jacob, James II, King of England, 1633-1701. aut, Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of, 1621-1683, and William III, King of England, 1650-1702
Subject (Topic):
Ballads, English, English poetry--17th century, Political poetry, English, Songs, English, Verse satire, English, and Women--Conduct of life
Verse - "A noble young 'squire that liv'd in the west,". - In four columns with the title and woodcut above the first two; the first and second as well as the third and fourth columns are separated by ornamental rules., Range of publication dates from the Bodleian Library Ballads database., In four columns with the title and woodcut above the first two; the first and second as well as the third and fourth columns are separated by lines of ornamental type. Imprint below ornamental line in third and fourth columns., Mounted on leaf 4. Copy trimmed., and Bound in three-quarters red morocco leather with marbled boards, with spine title stamped in gold: Old English ballads, woodcuts, vol. 2.
Manuscript, in a single hand, of a collection of about 17 original songs, many of them love songs, written in an interleaved copy of Rider's British Merlin, 1698. Titles include "The Deceitful Lover," "The scolding wife," and "Beauty's advocate or the Charms of beauty." The manuscript also includes numerous memoranda and accounts of receipts, primarily relating to copying legal papers. A memorandum dated May 8 1721 mentions the Mayor having "given consent to the players to have the Moothall for playing in."
In English., Several pages throughout are written in a different hand, some in pencil, which include crude drawings of owls, a strawberry, and a pot of flowers, a list of names including "Isabela Larmouth" whose name also appears on the flyleaf, and a partially obliterated short narrative about "a naughty boy who cryed.", Inscription on flyleaf: "George Cuthbertson. Sept. 13, 1717" and "Isbla Larmouth Lerneth.", Inscription on p. 4: "George Archibauld James.", Marbled endpapers., and Binding: full calf; blind-tooled decoration; remains of metal clasps.
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Cuthbertson, George.
Subject (Topic):
Account books, English literature, English poetry, Love songs, Memorandums, and Songs, English
Age of man, display'd in ten different stages of life
Caption title on three lines., Verse - "In prime of years, when I was young,"., In three columns separated by columns of type ornaments; the title and three woodcuts span the first two columns; the sequence of woodcuts is: Father Time; a woman riding a donkey, with a baby in a cradle and a lamb in the foreground; Death., Six long dashes above imprint at foot of column three., Mounted on leaf 1. Copy trimmed., and Bound in three-quarters red morocco leather with marbled boards, with spine title stamped in gold: Old English ballads, woodcuts, vol. 1.
Printed and sold at the Printing-Office in Bow-Church-Yard
Subject (Topic):
Life cycle, Human, Songs, English, Life cycle, Death, and Youth
Verse begins: "Attend you nymphs and virgins,"., In three columns; the title and illustration above the first column; the imprint at foot of the third column, below a series of long dashes; the columns are not separated by rules., Dating based on the imprint; see David Stoker, "Another look at the Dicey-Marshall publications: 1736-1806", The Library, ser. 7, v. 15:2 (June 2014), 111-157., Mounted on leaf 14. Copy trimmed., and Bound in three-quarters red morocco leather with marbled boards, with spine title stamped in gold: Old English ballads, woodcuts, vol. 2.
Printed at the Printing-Office in Bow-Church-Yard
Subject (Topic):
Songs, English, Shepherds, Shepherdesses, and Sheep
"View overlooking gardens, showing a band playing from the orchestra on the right; elegantly dressed figures strolling through gardens or seated at tables amongst trees; head-piece illustration to 'The Musical Entertainer', p. 21; with the score of a song below, all printed from the same plate."--British Museum catalogue
Alternative Title:
Vaux-Hal Garden and Vauxhall Garden
Title from item., Dedication beneath title: To the Rt. Hon. [the] Ld. Visct. Baltimore, these four plates are humbly inscrib'd., Engraved song sheet with an etching at top of plate. Music on two staves with interlinear words. Additional four stanzas in two columns below., Opening words: Flora, Goddess, sweetly blooming ..., Plate from: Bickham, G. Musical entertainer., Musical entertainer is sometimes attributed to George Bickham, Senior., Plate numbered "21" in upper right corner., "No. VI."--Lower left corner., and Eighteenth-century watermark. For further information, consult library staff.
G. Bickham
Subject (Geographic):
Vauxhall Gardens (London, England),
Subject (Topic):
Songs with piano, Songs with harpsichord, and Songs, English
Manuscript music book containing hymns and songs, vocal parts only, for treble and tenor. Most are identified by names of hymn tunes or Psalm numbers, and most are without texts. Songs with texts include "An Elegy Made on the Death of Queene Mary" and "King George's Anthem." Music is preceded by printed leaves titled "The Gamut or Scale of Musick," rules for "finding your Mi," and "Musical Characters" (no place, publisher, or date); and manuscript "Rules for Tuning the Voice."
Staff notation., Vocal texts in English., and Title from title page.
Subject (Name):
Miles, Susanna, active 1759., George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, and Mary II, Queen of England, 1662-1694
Subject (Topic):
Hymns, English, Singing, Instruction and study, Songbooks, English, and Songs, English
Sudden call from an earthly glory to the cold grave
Verse begins: "Thou wealthy man of large possessions here,"., Dated from the address; see David Stoker, "John Marshall, John Evans, and the Cheap Repository tracts, 1793-1800", PBSA 107:1 (2013), 81-118., Printed in four columns with two woodcuts and the title above the first two; imprint at foot of the fourth column, below a single rule; the columns are not separated by rules., Mounted on leaf 6. Copy trimmed., and Bound in three-quarters red morocco leather with marbled boards, with spine title stamped in gold: Old English ballads, woodcuts, vol. 2.
Printed and sol by J. Evans, 41 Long-Lane
Subject (Topic):
Death, Religious aspects, Christianity, Songs, English, Ballads, English, Dialogues, English, Skeletons, Hourglasses, and Arrows
Verse -- "Cold and raw the North did blow,"., Anonymous. By Thomas D’Urfey., In four columns with the title above the first two and a woodcut above the first; the columns are not separated by rules. - A variant has "no. 41, Aldermary Church Yard"., The body of the text is set entirely in italic type., No full stop at end of title and first line of verse ends with a comma., Dated from the address in the other printing (or issue); see David Stoker, "Another look at the Dicey-Marshall publications: 1736-1806", The Library, ser. 7, v. 15:2 (June 2014), 111-157., Another printing (or issue), clearly from the same setting of type, has imprint "Printed and sold at no. 4, Aldermary Church Yard" (ESTC T206462)., Mounted on leaf 10. Copy trimmed., and Bound in three-quarters red morocco leather with marbled boards, with spine title stamped in gold: Old English ballads, woodcuts, vol. 2.
First line of text: At the sign of the horse., 16 stanzas of verse beneath tune., and MUS: No. 21 in a binder's collection of British eighteenth-century songs.
Caption title., A slip song., First line of the first of seven stanzas: How blithe was I each morn, to see., Date based on other items published by Garratt's., In this edition the woodcut shows a pastoral scene with a couple standing on the left beneath a tree and two dogs on the right., Not in ESTC., and For further information, consult library staff.
Printed and sold at Garratt's Printing-Office in Lynn, Norfolk
In five columns with the title and two woodcuts (one framed) above the first two; the columns are not separated by rules and the final two columns are in italic., A song in five columns: "There was a kinght [sic] was drunk with wine ...", Mounted on leaf 4. Copy trimmed., and Bound in three-quarters red morocco leather with marbled boards, with spine title stamped in gold: Old English ballads, woodcuts, vol. 1.
Title from caption above woodcut that appears above the first two columns., Another issue has no imprint. Cf. ESTC T21841., Verse in four columns: "Young men and pretty maidens ...", Mounted on leaf 2. Copy trimmed., and Bound in three-quarters red morocco leather with marbled boards, with spine title stamped in gold: Old English ballads, woodcuts, vol. 1.
BEIN Zab G138 Zz800G: Uncut. From the library of Donald Gallup. Housed with 1 other title., Cover title., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., Without music., A chapbook., Crude woodcut vignette on title page: a group of men at play tossing a man in a large sheet., First line of Daft Watty's ramble to Carlistle: If you ax where I cam frae, I say, the Feil seyde..., First line of I was the boy for bewitching 'em: I was the boy for bewithcing 'em, ..., First line of Mary once had lovers two: Mary once had lovers two, ..., First line of The little farthing rush-light: Sir Solomon Simons, when he did wed, ..., First line of Paddy O'Leary: A down a dark alley I courted a maid, ..., and Uncut.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, where may also be had, a large and curious assortment of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Ballads, English, and Songs, English
Title from first page., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., A chapbook., Without music., Crude woodcut title vignette of man and woman in a landscape., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., First lines of Tweed side: "What beauties does Flora disclose!", First lines of My Nanie, o: "Behind yon hills where Lugar flows, 'Mang moors an' mosses many O, The wintry sun the day has clos'd, and I'll away to Nanie, O.", First lines of Highland laddie: "The Lawland lads think they are fine; But O, they're vain and idly gaudy!", First lines of Up in the morning early: "Cauld blaws the win' frae north to south, And drift is driving fairly; The sheep are couring i' the heugh, O firs! it's winter fairly.", First lines of Flowers of the forest: "I've heard of a lilting at our ewes milking, Lasses a' lilting before the break of day; But now there's a moaning on ilka green loaning, That our braw Foresters are a' wede away.", Not in ESTC., and 1 folded sheet, uncut.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, Where may also be had, a large and curious assortment of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Cover title., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., Without music., A chapbook., Crude woodcut title vignette of man and woman in a landscape., First line of Jessie the flower of Dumblane: The sun has gane down o'er the lofty Benlomon', ..., First line of O stay my love: O sty, my love! My William, dear!, ..., First line of Lilies of the valley: O'er barren hills and flowery dales, ..., First line of Sally Roy: Fair Sally, once the village pride, ..., First line of Dear Maid, I love thee: Dear Maid, by every hope of bliss, ..., First line of Just like love: Just like love is yonder rose, ..., First line of Green grow the rashes, O: Chorus. Green grow the rashes, O:, ..., First line of Far, far at sea: 'Twas at night, when the bell had told twelve ..., and 1 folded sheet, uncut.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market. Where may also be had, a large and curious assortment of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Cover title., Undated. Date range from trading dates of J. Marshall, cf. The British book trade index WWW site., Without music., A chapbook., Crude woodcut title vignette of two ships at sea., First line of The Bay of Biscay, O: Loud roar'd the dreadful thunder, ..., First line of All's well: Deserted by the waning moon, ..., First line of Poor Joe the marine: Poor Joe the marine was at Portsmouth well known, ..., First line of The mid watch: When 'tis night, and the mid watch is come, ..., First line of The sea-boy: To England's towers of oak farewell, ..., First line of The sailor's adieu: The topsails shiver in the wind, ..., Not in ESTC., and 1 folded sheet, uncut.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, Newcastle. Where may also be had, a large and interesting collection of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Title from first page., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., Without music., A chapbook., Crude woodcut title vignette of a seated lady leaning on a table, beside a garden., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., First line of Lovely Kitty: For foreign climes to cross the sea, ..., First line of Woo'd and married and a': The bride cam out o' the byre, ..., First line of The battle of Sherra-Muir: O cam' ye here the sight to shun, ..., First line of If he will take the hint: Young Roger is a bonny lad, ..., First line of By the gaily circling glass: By the gaily circling glass, ..., Not in ESTC., and Uncut.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, where may also be had, a large and curious assortment of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Title from first page., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., Without music., A chapbook., Crude woodcut title vignette of a gentleman with cane., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., First line of Muirland Willie: Harken and I will tell you how ..., First line of Maggy Lauder: Wha wad na be in love ..., First line of As I walk'd by myself: As I walk'd by myself, I said to myself,, First line of Sandy o'er the lee: I winna marry ony man, but Sandy o'er the lee, ..., Not in ESTC., and Uncut. For further information consult library staff.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, Newcastle, where may also be had, a large and interesting collection of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Cover title., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., Without music., A chapbook., Crude woodcut title vignette of eight gentlemen seated at a feast., First line of The country club: Now we're all met here together, ..., First line of TThe chandler's shop: they call me smirking Bobby, ..., First line of Paddy M'Shane's seven ages: If my own botheration don't alter my plan, ..., and 1 folded sheet, uncut.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, where may also be had, a large and curious assortment of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Cover title., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., Without music., A chapbook., Crude woodcut title vignette of a seated lady leaning on a table, beside a garden., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., First line of O how I love somebody: Of all the swains both far and near, ..., First line of The pretty maid milking her cow: It was on a fine summer's morning, ..., First line of Of a' the airts the win' can blaw: Of a' the airts the win' can blow, ..., First line of The banks of the Dee: 'Twas summer and softly the breezes were blowing, ..., and 1 folded sheet, uncut.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, where may also be had, a large and interesting collection of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Title from first page., Undated. John Marshall was active between 1800 and 1831 (see British Book Trade Index)., Without music., A chapbook., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., Crude woodcut title vignette of a hearse and funeral procession., First line of William and Margaret: When hope lay hush'd in silent night, ..., First line of Mary's dream: The moon had climb'd the highest hill, ..., First line of Roy's wife of Aldivalloch: Roy's wife of Aldivalloch, ..., First line of My Nannie, O: Behind yon hills where Lugar flows, ..., First line of Death or liberty: Whilst happy in my native land, ..., and 1 folded sheet, uncut.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market. Where may also be had, a large and curious assortment of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Title from first page., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., Without music., A chapbook., Crude woodcut title vignette: A blackbird on a branch., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., and 1 folded sheet, uncut.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, where may also be had a large and curious assortment of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Ballads, English, and Songs, English
Title from first page., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., Without music., A chapbook., Crude woodcut title vignette: a gentleman and lady on a window seat., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., and 1 folded sheet, uncut. For further information, consult library staff.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, where may also be had, a large and curious assortment of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, Folk songs, English, Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Cover title., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., Without music., A chapbook., Crude woodcut title vignette of a seated lady leaning on a table, beside a garden., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., First line of O how I love somebody: Of all the swains both far and near, ..., First line of The pretty maid milking her cow: It was on a fine summer's morning, ..., First line of Of a' the airts the win' can blaw: Of a' the airts the win' can blow, ..., First line of The banks of the Dee: 'Twas summer and softly the breezes were blowing, ..., and 1 folded sheet, uncut. For further information, consult library staff.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, where may also be had, a large and interesting collection of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Title from first page., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., Without music., A chapbook., Crude woodcut title vignette of a ships on a wavy sea., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., and 1 folded sheet, uncut. For further information, consult library staff.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market. Where may also be had, a large and curious assortment of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Title from first page., Undated. Date range from trading dates of J. Marshall, cf. The British book trade index WWW site., Without music., A chapbook., Crude woodcut title vignette of a two ships engaged in battle at sea., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., First sentence of The battle of the Nile: "Arise, arise, Britannia's sons, arise!", First sentence of Tom Starboard: "Tom Starboard was a lover true, As brave a tar as ever sail'd; The duties ablest seamen do Tom did, and never yet had fail'd.", First sentence of The sailor's adieu: "The topsails shiver in the wind, The ship she casts to sea; But yet my soul, my heart, my mind, Are, Mary, moor'd with thee: For though they sailor's bound afar, Still love shall be his leading star.", First sentence of Tom Bowling: "Here, a sheer hulk, lies poor Tom Bowling The darling of our crew; No more he'll hear the tempest howling, For death hath broach'd him too.", First sentence of True courage: "Why what's that to you if my eyes I'm wiping A tear is a pleasure, d'ye see, in its way, 'Tis nonsense for trifles, I own, to be piping, But they that ha'n't pity--why I pities they.", First sentence of The sea boy: "To England's towers of oak farewell, No more for me shall be unfurl'd The canvas in the gale to swell, The ocean is no more my world; Yet there life's earliest years I fearless pass'd A sea-boy on the high and giddy mast.", and For further information, consult library staff.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market. Where may also be had, a large and curious assortment of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Title from first page., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., Without music., A chapbook., Crude woodcut title vignette of a seated lady leaning on a table, beside a garden., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., First line of Lovely Kitty: For foreign climes to cross the sea, ..., First line of Woo'd and married and a': The bride cam out o' the byre, ..., First line of The battle of Sherra-Muir: O cam' ye here the sight to shun, ..., First line of If he will take the hint: Young Roger is a bonny lad, ..., First line of By the gaily circling glass: By the gaily circling glass, ..., Not in ESTC., and 1 folded sheet, uncut. For further information, consult library staff.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, where may also be had, a large and curious assortment of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Title from first page., Undated. John Marshall was active between 1800 and 1831 (see British Book Trade Index)., Without music., A chapbook., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., Crude woodcut title vignette of a king and a lady holding out their arms to embrace each other; a grimacing court gentleman watches from the background., and Printing error: Imprint printed on folded paper. For further information, consult library staff.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, where may be had a large and curious assortment of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Name):
Wolfe, James, 1727-1759
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Title from first page., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., Without music., A chapbook., Crude woodcut title vignette of a gentleman with cane., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., First line of Muirland Willie: Harken and I will tell you how ..., First line of Maggy Lauder: Wha wad na be in love ..., First line of As I walk'd by myself: As I walk'd by myself, I said to myself,, First line of Sandy o'er the lee: I winna marry ony man, but Sandy o'er the lee, ..., Not in ESTC., and 1 folded sheet, uncut. For further information, consult library staff.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, Newcastle, where may also be had, a large and interesting collection of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Title from first page., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., Without music., A chapbook., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., Crude woodcut title vignette of a black bird on a branch of a tree., and 1 folded sheet, uncut. For further information, consult library staff.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market. Where may also be had, a large and curious assortment of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Title from first page., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., Without music., A chapbook., Crude woodcut title vignette of a man standing with a view of a ship and mountains beyond (Robinson Crusoe?)., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., and 1 folded sheet, uncut. For further information, consult library staff.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market. Where may also be had, a large and interesting collection of Songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Title from first page., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., A chapbook., Without music., Crude woodcut title vignette of man and woman in a landscape., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., First lines of Tweed side: "What beauties does Flora disclose!", First lines of My Nanie, o: "Behind yon hills where Lugar flows, 'Mang moors an' mosses many O, The wintry sun the day has clos'd, and I'll away to Nanie, O.", First lines of Highland laddie: "The Lawland lads think they are fine; But O, they're vain and idly gaudy!", First lines of Up in the morning early: "Cauld blaws the win' frae north to south, And drift is driving fairly; The sheep are couring i' the heugh, O firs! it's winter fairly.", First lines of Flowers of the forest: "I've heard of a lilting at our ewes milking, Lasses a' lilting before the break of day; But now there's a moaning on ilka green loaning, That our braw Foresters are a' wede away.", Not in ESTC., and For further information, consult library staff.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, Where may also be had, a large and curious assortment of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Title from first page., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., A chapbook., Without music., Crude woodcut title vignette of two ships at sea in battle., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., Not in ESTC., and 1 folded sheet, uncut. For further information, consult library staff.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, Where may also be had, a large and curious assortment of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Title from first page., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., A chapbook., Without music., Crude woodcut title vignette of a king and a lady holding out their arms to embrace each other; a grimacing court gentleman watches from the background., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., and For further information, consult library staff.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, where may also be had, a large and curious assortment of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Title from first page., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., A chapook., Without music., Crude woodcut title vignette of young man and woman holding hands., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., First sentence of The fairest of the fair: "O Nanny! wilt thou gang with me, nor sigh to leave the flaunting town?", First sentence of Here's a health: "Here's a health to all good lasses; here's a health to all good lasses; Here's a health to all good lasses; Pledge it merrily, fill your glasses: Let a bumper toast go round.", First sentence of The sea-boy: "To England's towers of oak farewell, No more for me shall be unfurl'd the canvas in the gale to swell, The ocean is no more my world; Yet there life's ealiest years I fearlesss pass'd, a sea-boy on the high and giddy mast.", First sentence of Giles Scroggins' ghost: "Giles Scroggins courted Molly Brown, Fol deriddle lol, fol deriddle lido; The fairest wench in all the town, Fol deriddle lol, &c.", First sentence of My only Jo' an' dearie o: "Thy cheek is o' the rose's hue, My only Jo and dearie O; Thy neck is like the siller dew, Upon the bank sae brierie O.", First sentence of The beautiful maid: "When absent from her my soul holds most dear, What medley of passions invade, In this bosom what anguish, what hope, and what fear, I endure for my beautiful maid, I endure for my beautiful maid.", Not in ESTC., and 1 folded sheet, uncut. For further information, consult library staff.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, where may also be had, a large and curious assortment of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Title from first page., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., A chapbook., Without music., Crude woodcut title vignette of a man receiving last rites before being beheaded by the ax-wielding executioner; a crowd watches., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., and For further information, consult library staff.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, Newcastle, where may also be had, a large and interesting collection of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Title from first page., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., A chapbook., Without music., Crude woodcut title vignette of a man and a woman against a landscape., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., First sentence of Sweet Willy o' the green: "On Tay's sweet pleasant banks, Where so carelessly I stray'd, They call'd me bonny Bell, once the winsome laughing Maid, My time I spent in vain, I sang frae morn till c'en, When first I gain'd the charms O' sweet Willy o' the Green, Wi' his een sae bright, shines wi' delight, Nane dance or pipe like Willy, The Shepherd's art has won my heart, I sigh for bonny Willy, I sigh for bonny Willy.", First sentence of The Yorkshire concert: "Ize a Yorkshireman just come to town, And my coming to town was a gay day, For fortune has here set me down, Waiting gentleman to a fine lady.", First sentence of The Yorkshire Irishman: "My father was once a great marchant, As any in Ireland was found, But faith he could never have a shilling, Tho' tatoes he sold by the pound.", First sentence of The woodland maid: "The woodland maid, my beauty's queen!", and 1 folded sheet, uncut. For further information, consult library staff.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, where may also be had, a large and curious assortment of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Title from first page., Undated. John Marshall was active between 1800 and 1831 (see British Book Trade Index)., Without music., A chapbook., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., Crude woodcut title vignette of a hearse and funeral procession., First line of William and Margaret: When hope lay hush'd in silent night, ..., First line of Mary's dream: The moon had climb'd the highest hill, ..., First line of Roy's wife of Aldivalloch: Roy's wife of Aldivalloch, ..., First line of My Nannie, O: Behind yon hills where Lugar flows, ..., First line of Death or liberty: Whilst happy in my native land, ..., and 1 folded sheet, uncut. For further information, consult library staff.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market. Where may also be had, a large and curious assortment of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English
Title from first page., Undated. Date range from trading dates of John Marshall, cf. The British book trade index., A chapbook., Without music., Crude woodcut title vignette of two ships at war on the sea., Laid paper. Horizontal chain lines., Not in ESTC., and 1 folded sheet, uncut. For further information, consult library staff.
Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, where may also be had, a large and curious assortment of songs, ballads, tales, histories, &c.
Subject (Topic):
Chapbooks, English, Songs, English, and Ballads, English