Manuscript fragment, on parchment, in a single hand: a leaf from the table of readings at the beginning or end of a Wycliffite New Testament. The text is from the Sanctoral, from the feast of the Purifcation to the feast of St. Mark
In Middle English., Layout: single columns of 36 lines., Script: small gothic bookhand., Decoration: headings in red, capitals in red and blue., and Binding: Inlaid into a large paper leaf.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Versions, Wycliffe, English prose literature, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript, on vellum, in a single hand, of a copy of the text of the "Late Version" of the Wycliffite New Testament, commonly attributed to John Purvey. The text begins at Matthew 4:14 but is otherwise complete. The volume concludes with a 12 page index of readings according to the liturgical calendar and the opening stanzas of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke in Latin
In Middle English, with a few pages in Latin., Layout: double columns of 57-60 lines., Script: English bookhand., Decoration: initials in red and blue penwork., and Binding: contemporary white doeskin over wooden boards.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Wycliffe, John, -1384.
Subject (Topic):
Versions, Wycliffe, Manuscripts, Medieval, and English prose literature
Manuscript, on vellum, in a single hand, of Matthew's gospel and the Book of Acts from the "Early Version" of the Wycliffe Bible by Nicholas Hereford and his collaborators. The final page of the manuscript is added in a sixteenth-century secretary script
In Middle English., Ownership inscription of James West, 1732, on recto initial blank parchment leaf., Detailed provenance history of manuscript in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries on verso of initial blank parchment leaf., Layout: single columns of 19-23 lines., Script: rounded English gothic bookhand., Decoration: large initials in blue with red penwork., and Binding: early eighteenth-century full red morocco, gilt.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Wycliffe, John, -1384.
Subject (Topic):
Versions, Wycliffe, English prose literature, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment (thick, furry) of the Wycliffite New Testament. Begins imperfectly in Matthew 3.4 and breaks off at 1 Timothy 1.15; also missing Romans 9.22 to 1 Corinthians 1.23 (2 bifolios lost after f. 73). Contains the Gospels without prologues, and the Epistles with prologues. The text has been altered in places by a near contemporary hand that has written over erasures. Since the alterations correspond to those adopted in the later edition of John Purvey, MS 125 may reflect an intermediate stage between the Wycliffite Bible and Purvey's version
In Middle English., Script: Written in a neat gothic bookhand by a single scribe who carefully corrected his errors; changes by at least one nearly contemporary and one later writer., Blue initials, 10- to 4-line, with extensive penwork designs in red, introduce each chapter. Headings, running titles, and underlining in red; paragraph marks in red or blue., Bookblock chewed by rodent in upper right corner; margins of many leaves trimmed resulting in some loss of text, marginalia, and catchwords., and Binding: Eighteenth century. Red spattered edges. Brown leather, flesh side out, blind-tooled. A black calf spine, gold-tooled, added.
Manuscript on parchment (trimmed) of 1) Bible in the usual order with some prologues and later additions. 2) Index of Hebrew names generally attributed to Stephen Langton. 3) List of readings for year, beginning with the first Sunday in Advent through Monday after Easter. 4) Another list of readings from the first Sunday in Advent (f. 427r) through the 25th Sunday after Trinity, for the dedication of a church, for the sanctorale from Andrew through Cecilia, for the common of saints and for Trinity, Holy Spirit, Holy Cross, Virgin Mary, and the dead
In Latin., Script: Written in small gothic textura; a few corrections added in a tiny neat cursive hand. Marginal notes in several cursive hands of 14th-15th centuries., The historiated initials, 11- to 6-line (not including ascenders or descenders), are pink and blue, with dragons, against pink and blue grounds with gold dots and triplets of white dots. Initials for prologues 6- to 4-line (without ascenders or descenders), as above, filled with intertwining vines, blossoms, dragons, occasionally birds or fish; 4- to 1-line initials, red or blue with blue and red penwork. Headings, chapter numbers, red and blue alternating letters with blue and red penwork. Capitals stroked in red. Some rubrics missing., Rectangular pieces cut out of lower margin, ff. 266-69; no loss of text., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Red, straight-grained goatskin, gold-tooled.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Versions, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment (trimmed) of Bible in irregular order; 3 Ezra and Baruch completely omitted as well as many prologues. The text includes chapter divisions introduced in the revision of Stephen Langton, either within text or in margins. With Index of Hebrew names generally attributed to Stephen Langton
In Latin., Script: Written in a small gothic textura, ff. 1-210v above top line, ff. 210r-420v below top line, by several scribes., Fine historiated and ornamental initials. Historiated initials for most books and some prologues, 12- to 4-line (without ascenders or descenders), blue, brown, orange, green, pink and gold with leafy and geometric designs, many with long bar and/or dragon ascenders and descenders; foliate vine serifs, some inhabited with animals or grotesques, against gold grounds; framed in thin bands of green and gold., All other books and prologues with ornamental vine-scroll initials; 32- (f. 182v) to 4-line, some incorporating men, animals and grotesques. Initials for chapters, 6- to 2-line, red or blue or divided red and blue with blue and/or red penwork flourishes, some with feather-like designs. Chapter numbers, running titles alternating red and blue letters or numbers. Helical line fillers, in red. Remains of instructions to rubricator., Lower margin of f. 1 cut away; red ink has bled in certain sections of text. Trimmed, with some loss of marginalia., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Gilt edges. Brown, hard-grained goatskin, blind-tooled with a gold-tooled title. Bound by H. Stamper.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Langton, Stephen, d. 1228.
Subject (Topic):
Versions, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper of 1) Hugh of St. Victor, Laude caritatis, and De modo orandi. 2) Heinrich von Langenstein, Expositio super Orationem Dominicam. 3) Pseudo-Albertus Magnus, Paradisus animae. 4) Memoriale Biblicum with interlinear gloss
In Latin., Script: copied by seven scribes. Hand A copied ff. 1r-18v in Gothica Textualis Formata; Hand B copied ff. 19r-38v in Gothica Hybrida Formata/Libraria; Hand C copied ff. 39r-47r in bold Hybrida Libraria; Hand D copied ff. 48r-50r and 54r-57r in Semihybrida Libraria; Hand E, which is perhaps identical with Hand D, copied ff. 50v-53v in Hybrida Libraria; Hand F copied f. 57v in Cursiva Libraria; Hand G copied ff. 58r-116r in Hybrida Libraria (in two sizes for text and gloss of art. 21). Headings, stroking of majuscules, paragraph marks and (in articles 10-19) underlining in red. All initials in the same colour: 1-line versals; 2- and 3-line plain initials; a 4-line plain initial with interior reserved shapes on f. 1r; a 3-line plain initial containing a human face on f. 48r., Manuscript on paper of 1) Hugh of St. Victor, Laude caritatis, 2) Thomas a Kempis, De tribus tabernaculis and Sermones ad fratres, 3) Hugh of St. Victor, De modo orandi (shortened version), 4) Extracts from Hugh of St. Victor, St. Augustine, Bernard of Clairvaux and others on the value of prayer and of the reciting of psalms, 5) Compilation from the works of St. Augustine on the value of the psalms, 6) Alcuinus, De psalmorum usu, preface (partim), 7) Commentary on the Lord's Prayer, 8) Heinrich von Langenstein, Expositio super Orationem Dominicam, 9) Commentary on the Ave Maria, 10) Psalms to be recited on special occasions or for special purposes, 11) Pseudo-Albertus Magnus, Paradisus animae, and 12) Memoriale Biblicum with interlinear gloss., and Binding: contemporary binding: brown leather over wooden boards, the covers blind-tooled with diagonal fillets and fleur-de-lis stamps in the diamond-shaped spaces. Spine with three raised bands (rebacked). Remnants of one brass clasp.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Hugh, of Saint-Victor, 1096?-1141.
Subject (Topic):
Versions, Christian literature, Latin (Medieval and modern), and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment (trimmed) of 1) Gospel of Matthew, preceded by Prologue to Gospels from Jerome; letter of Jerome to Damasus; spurious addition to letter attributed to Jerome; Prologue to Matthew. 2) Gospel of Mark, preceded by Prologue. Final leaf missing; the conclusion of Mark is added on a piece of parchment (Germany, ca. 1150) stitched in between ff. 110 and 112 (formerly glued to f. 112).
In Latin., Script: Written in German minuscule by a single scribe., At the beginning of each Gospel, full-page initials, f. 9r (Matthew) and f. 71r (Mark) incorporating symbols of the Evangelists; f. 9r with gold foliate scrolls with silver tendrils, one with a pink dragon-head terminal, against blue, light green and orange; f. 71r gold and silver, with spiraling foliage in shaded blue, orange and green, supported by a pink and gold dragon; both followed by display capitals in alternate lines of gold and silver, shaded in blue. Large initials in gold and silver as above, 2-line, f. 1r, and 6- or 5-line, ff. 3r, 5r, 5v, and 68v, for prefaces, epistles and prologues. 3-line initials, as above, for chapter divisions. 1-line initials throughout, inner margin, orange, filled with gold and/or silver. Rubrics in orange. Some oxidization of silver., and Binding: 19th-20th centuries. Red velvet case.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Jerome, Saint, -419 or 420.
Subject (Topic):
Versions, Vulgate, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript fragments on parchment of John 1:1-14 and 13:33-35.
In Latin., Script: written in late Caroline minuscule with some later forms and chancery influence., and John 1:1-14. Noticeable spellings and variants: “comprenderunt” (“comprehenderunt”), “misus” (“missus”), “periberet” and “perhiberet”, “cotquot”,“ex voluptate” (“ex voluntate”). John 13:33-35. In 13:34 the words “ut et vos diligatis invicem” are missing. From a modern note accompanying the present leaf it was used in the binding of a copy of Iohannes Fontanus (Jean Fontaine, 16th century), Hortulus puerorum pergratus ac perutilis latine discentibus.
Manuscript, on vellum, containing the text of the prophetic books of the Old Testament, including Baruch, with prologues and commentary. The extensive gloss surrounds the centered Biblical text
In Latin., Layout: Biblical text centered, single column, variable length; surrounding gloss written in double columns of 65-75 lines., Script: gothic script. Letters in Biblical text larger than in glosses., Decoration: 18 small historiated initials and approximately 30 other illuminated initials; numerous blue and red penwork initials with red or lilac penwork decoration; rubricated., and Binding: modern blind-stamped red morocco gilt, by Riviere.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Versions, Vulgate, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval