A shelf with a book and a mortar and pestle on top, surrounded by laurels and an eagle. The second page tells that the University has established a reading room in Fishbein's name.
Subject (Name):
Fishbein, Morris, 1889-, University of Chicago Library, and Yale School of Medicine
Subject (Topic):
Books, Libraries, Mortars and Pestles, Nature, University of Chicago. Library, and Wings
An oval with a belt and buckle as a border. Written on the belt is the phrase Absit up Glorier Nisi in Cruce. The lower left-hand corner of the bookplate reads San Bernardino, Cal.
A coat of arms divided into quarters, including such objects as three wreaths, three garbs, and three scallop shells. Above the crest is a sword piercing a bleeding winged heart. Beneath the shield is the motto Si Virtus Honos.
Subject (Name):
Blencowe, William Ferdinand
Subject (Topic):
Amorial, Heraldic bookplates, Physicians, Shells, Shield, Shields, Sword, and Wings
A coat of arms that has been divided into two portions. A label and a lion are featured in the top portion; a large cross below. At the helm, surrounded by mantling, is the helmet of a knight; above this is the head, torso, and wings of a griffin. Beneath this crest, on either side are two lions perched above the motto Sublimis Per Ardua Tendo.
Subject (Name):
Chauney, Charles
Subject (Topic):
Amorial, Armorial bookplates, Cross, Dragon, Physicians, Shield, Shields, and Wings
A coat of arms that has been divided into two portions. A label and a lion are featured in the top portion; a large cross below. At the helm, surrounded by mantling, is the helmet of a knight; above this is the head, torso, and wings of a griffin. Beneath this crest, on either side are two lions perched above the motto Sublimis Per Ardua Tendo. The plate owners name is signed in ink at the bottom.
Subject (Name):
Chauney, Charles
Subject (Topic):
Amorial, Animals, Apothecary, Armorial bookplates, First state., Helmet, Physicians, Shield, Shields, and Wings
A coat of arms divided into two vertical portions, with the left-hand side further divided into quarters, featuring crosses, ermine spots, and leopard faces. The right-hand side features a large griffon. Over the main shield, and covering up detail, is a smaller crest divided into three portions and featuring three flowers. At the helm is a lion brandishing a battle axe and sporting three ermine spots. Below the crest is the motto Nec Temere Nec Timide.
Subject (Name):
Clough, Henry Gore
Subject (Topic):
Animals, Armorial, Armorial bookplates, Physicians, Shield, Shields, Sword, and Wings