A corner of the wall around the palaces. Moat with lotus outside., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai at St. John's University from 1916 to 1923., and The Water Gate, Wusih An arched bridge with another bridge visible through it.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Brick kiln Rounded structure, apparently covered with thatch, set on barren ground., and Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Cart I traveled in going into Kansu Prov. Climbing Loh Pan Son (mt.). It is about halfway up the mt. Which is 8000 ft. high, and Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Chinese cruiser, Nanking Large boat on river with mountains in background., and Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Chinese cruiser at Shanghai-Woosung. Large boat on river., and Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926., and Note carefully in center of ridge of mts. The many small black dots. These are farmer's cave homes. This is a whole village dug into the mt. side. (Kansu Prov.)
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Dug-out where I spent 3 days (Kansu Prov.), and Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Farmer's dug-outs in cliff. Most of people living in these can't afford houses. Cattle and all are housed in these dug-outs. (Kansu Prov.), and Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Entering canyon. Mts. on both sides rise many hundreds of feet perpendicularly. Mt. Stream on left of stone wall at left of picture. My cook walking; my cart behind. (Kansu Prov), and Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926.