Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Interior of Saint John's College Chapel. Easter decorations. View looking forward toward altar from the center of the sanctuary. Flowers and greenery at front, bunting hanging from ceiling. Banners in Chinese hanging on sides of brick arch and across ceiling beams.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Interior of chapel, Dec. 1897 Han ch'uan (60 miles up the Han from Hankow) [now Wuhan] View facing front altar of rough, tiny chapel. Plain clear windows on left side providing natural light. Simple wooden furnishings -- benches, square communion rail, basic wooden altar and cross. Plain linens of solid colors hanging from ceiling, on altar, and on pulpit.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Church of the Nativity, Wuchang, All Saints Day, 1897 [now Wuhan] Photo facing front, facing altar, kneelers and candelabras. Flowers surrounding the pulpit, on the stairs, on and around the altar.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and St. Timothy's Guild, Wuchang, 1899 [now Wuhan] Group of men posing on steps in front of ornate Chinese wall. Americans dressed in Western clergy dress, Chinese dressed in traditional Chinese dress. All wearing a small cross extended from small chain pinned to chest.
"Saint Peter's Hospital, Wuchang, March, 1900" [now Wuhan] Three men resting in hospital beds, clipboards on the wall behind them. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and St. John's College Students at Drill. View of students in formation wearing Chinese-style military uniforms, using staffs in place of rifles. Military drummers and commanders standing behind each formation.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Hospitals from City Wall, Wuchang. Bohlem House, Women;s Hospital, Men;s Hospital. Wall of Hospital [now Wuhan] Panorama of compound with large ditch/whitewashed wall in foreground. Hospitals in distance.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Mission Compound from the City Wall, Wuchang, Panorama, with pictures of 'Hospital from City Wall.' Bohlem House, Church, Clergy House, Divinity School, Boone School. Wall of Hospital Campus. [now Wuhan] Photo of compound with whitewashed dividing wall curving into distance on left side. View of Bohlem House, St. Paul's Divinity School, Boone School.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Members of the Conference 1899. About to cross the Yangtze. Westerners in clergy dress boarding Chinese boat with mast on the banks of Yangtze River.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Francis L. Hawks Pott, arrived in China 1887, was president of St. John's College/University from 1888 - 1942. St. John's College founded 1879, incorporated as a University 1905., and Rev. Mr. Pott and his choir boys. 1899. Rev. Pott with Chinese deacons and choir boys in liturgical garb, standing to right side of entrance of St. John's College chapel.