Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Chekiang [now Zhejiang] Hongchow (near Chihkiang [now Zhejiang] College) showing the hard rock terraces. Barbour 1934 Crops planted in raised rows with mountains in the background.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Anhwei [now Anhui] Chingyanghsien Kiuhwashan and the terrace land. Barbour Terraced farmland with mountains in the background.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Anhwei [now Anhui] Chingyanghsien Kiuhwashan. On top of the Tientai Feng or Peak of Heaven Platform. Barbour 1934
"Anhwei [now Anhui] Chingyanghsien. Showing the distant and near ranges; the latter consists of red sandstone conglomerate and gravels with a more or less peneplane level. Barbour" and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Ch'ung K'ing [now Chongqing]1934 Barbour View of buildings on raised bank overlooking river.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Foochow [now Fuzhou] -- looking from Anglo-Chinese College on Nantai Island toward north 1.Bridge of Thousand Ages 2. Peneplane, - first, second third. Barbour
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and From Nantai Island looking toward south (Southern Channel of Miu River) Rice paddies on plain, with river and mountains in background.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Pagado [sic], Futsing, near Foochow [now Fuzhou] where my brother lives. A gateway with wooden carving is in the foreground, over a street, with a pagoda in the background.
"Kalgan [now Zhangjiakou] railway station under a foot of silt -- note roof of garden [crossed out] summer-house" and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
A Mud Village Nr. Kalgan [now Zhangjiakou] Barbour Small houses made of mud along hillside. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Kalgan [now Zhangjiakou] flood. Corner of merchant quarter. Barbour Individuals on street, surrounded by wrecked houses.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Lamo Temple Barbour A man in elaborate dress is surrounded by Chinese crowd and one Western man, with temple buildings in rear.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Meeting of Manchuria Mission Council at Moukden [now Shenyang], Feb. 1912. Mrs. A. Rill is not in it. The hat in front of me is Mr. Inglis's; he was hiding from the sun. A. Rill. Group of men, women, and children - missionaries most likely associated with London Missionary Society.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Peitaiho Hurricane Barbour A damaged house in the seaside missionary resort of Peitaiho.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Shanghai Buddhist temple Several Chinese individuals are posed in front of the temple entrance.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Shanghai Religious Education Conference 1931 X = TTI = Irving Wang A = Alice Gregg J = Miss Jones' Group portrait of conference participants.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Bridge at Wanhsien [now Wanxian] Szechwan [now Sichuan] Chinese made Print from Negative by George Barbour Arched bridge with building on top. Women washing clothes along riverside.
"Yenching University 1926" Corner of a building in foreground with further building site in distance. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
"Yenching 1926 Barbour" Two buildings with distinctive combination of Chinese and Western architecture. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Dr., the boys, & Language School SMS students at the gate behind the summer palace - Barbour
"The big drum, brought out only on this occasion, stands at the foot of the steps: a priest stands on the stool and strikes a sonorous boom to mark each stage in the ceremony. - Barbour" and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Ancient octave of bells - Barbour Three Chinese women stand to the side looking at musical instruments.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Chinese Village, South China - Barbour Several buildings with agricultural fields in foreground and mountains in background.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Ming tombs - Barbour Several men and women in western dress, some on mules or horses, are gathered under high gateway with five openings.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., By Bossart - Marco Polo Bridge A covered section near edge of bridge, in a state of disrepair., and Lugou Qiao, also known as the Marco Polo Bridge, is one of earliest segmented stone arch bridge about 16 km in the outside of Beijing.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Funeral 9BB 1911 -- Numerous individuals are carrying a large structure on poles down a road. Others in the procession carry flags and banners.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and The man has a shaved head and long patterned robes. Several people are walking along the dirt, grooved street with low wooden houses or storefronts in the background.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Bringing in the grain at the Tingchow Grain Dump. 1921., and Margaret Hart Barbour was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai at St. John's University from 1916 to 1923.
A blind man at the grain distribution in Mr. Bei's garden, Famine Relief, Tingchow, 1921., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai at St. John's University from 1916 to 1923.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai at St. John's University from 1916 to 1923., and The Famine Relief staff on the roof of Mr. Bei's summer house, Tingchow, 1921. The Dynamo, A visitor, Deaconess Edith Hart (Hankow), M.H.B., Capt. Cunningham -- Salvation Army, Arthur Allen -- Y.M.C.A.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Famine refugees at R.R. station. 1921. Tientsin-Peking line., and Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai at St. John's University from 1916 to 1923.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai at St. John's University from 1916 to 1923., and Two makee-learn boys of Mr. Bei's in his summer house, which was headquarters for United Famine Relief, Tingchow, 1921
A village barber. They often do their shaving in the street. The barber is shaving the head of a child while another boy looks on., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai at St. John's University from 1916 to 1923.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., An old woman with a parasol is standing in front of a river., and Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai at St. John's University from 1916 to 1923.
A village outside Wusih Small boats are docked along the side of rock-lined canal with houses on either side., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai at St. John's University from 1916 to 1923.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai at St. John's University from 1916 to 1923., and The Water Gate, Wusih An arched bridge with another bridge visible through it.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and Wusih An arched bridge made of stone with houses along narrow waterway
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and Three girls with long braids are playing basketball.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and The Seniors on Baccalaureate Sunday, 1923. Women students in white dresses are waiting in line.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and The first members of the new Chinese orchestra. Two women students holding Chinese stringed instruments.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and The Annual Song Contest was established in 1923. Each class composed one, either in English or Chinese. A Chinese song won. A group of women students is posed on the steps of a building, holding a banner that says "Song Contest."
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and The 'Gate Sunday School' taught by the juniors and seniors. Small Chinese boys in robes are in a line. They were taught by students at St. Mary's School, Shanghai.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and Wusih A small boat is going down a narrow canal with houses on either side.
A Kindergarten in our Mission in Anking, Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and The Eight Fairies Pagoda can be climbed for a view of the city. Soochow.
A Chinese catechist in Ming Ho, Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and When the opium agreement with England came to an end, 10,000,000 of stock was still left in Shanghai. Public opinion compelled the Chinese government to buy it and it was publicly burned for two days. Pootung, Opposite Shanghai Several men are standing in a small boat with boxes piled on it.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and When the opium agreement with England came to an end, 10,000,000 of stock was still left in Shanghai. Public opinion compelled the Chinese government to buy it and it was publicly burned for two days. Pootung, Opposite Shanghai Two large chimneys have smoke pouring out of them.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and The great ovens in which the opium was burned.
$700 of opium in each ball. Several Westerners and one Chinese boy are holding balls of opium., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., At the St. Mary's Gate, waiting to go to Shanghai for Community Chorus practice. The Community Chorus of five hundred Chinese voices gives Christmas music at the town hall to audiences of several thousand., and Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and The Building of the new St. Mary's, 1922-1923. Following in line for the procession to the new grounds for the breaking of ground, April 8, 1922.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., At the camp of the famous Christian general, Feng Yu-hsiang at Nanyuan, the former Emperor's hunting park, ten miles south of Peking. Several men are at tables using sewing machines., and Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., At the camp of the famous Christian general, Feng Yu-hsiang at Nanyuan, the former Emperor's hunting park, ten miles south of Peking. Two men are standing in a work room with tables., and Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and Some of the St. John's and St. Mary's faculty go on a picnic to a temple in the hills outside of Soochow. Several people are on mules following a stone path.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and Some of the St. John's and St. Mary's faculty go on a picnic to a temple in the hills outside of Soochow. Four male and two female faculty members are sitting in the temple.
About to leave the school for the Memorial Mass Meeting held at the beginning of the strike when two students had been killed in Peking., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and The head of the Student Organization at St. Mary's (later a graduate of Teacher's College, New York) for the first year of the Student Movement was the first and only woman member of the National Executive Committee. Women students are dressed in white, color of mourning, in connection with memorial service for students killed in Peking.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and One of the gateways to the palaces of the Forbidden City. Golden yellow roofs, red walls, and white marble bridge and pavement.
A corner of the wall around the palaces. Moat with lotus outside., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and The Canal between Soochow and Zangzok. A cloudy day. Travel by 'launches' towed through villages and rice fields.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and The Canal between Soochow and Zangzok. A cloudy day. Travel by 'launches' towed through villages and rice fields.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and Various types of boats clustered in a harbor area.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Fair sample of country through which I traveled. Wheat is grown on the terraces. This is taken from the edge of the road. Had just had a heavy snowfall and weather was bitterly cold. (Kansu Prov.)., and Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926., and Mt. Pass and toll gate (Kansu Prov.) Narrow road taken through mountains.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Entering canyon. Mts. on both sides rise many hundreds of feet perpendicularly. Mt. Stream on left of stone wall at left of picture. My cook walking; my cart behind. (Kansu Prov), and Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Cart I traveled in going into Kansu Prov. Climbing Loh Pan Son (mt.). It is about halfway up the mt. Which is 8000 ft. high, and Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926., and Passing carts in riverbed. Note how cart driver is wrapped up in sheep skin coat. Very cold. (Kansu Prov)
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Farmer's dug-outs in cliff. Most of people living in these can't afford houses. Cattle and all are housed in these dug-outs. (Kansu Prov.), and Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Dug-out where I spent 3 days (Kansu Prov.), and Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926., and Memorial tablets along roadside of influential Chinese (Kansu Prov.)
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926., and Wayside Temple (Kansu Prov.) Wooden structure set in front of steep hillside. Statues of people and horses are visible behind a slatted wooden front. Banners with Chinese characters hang from top.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Carving of entrance to a large temple. Cut from one piece of stone (Kansu Prov.) Designs in carving include dragons., and Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926., and Note carefully in center of ridge of mts. The many small black dots. These are farmer's cave homes. This is a whole village dug into the mt. side. (Kansu Prov.)
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926., and Stable cut into mt. side. (Kansu Prov.) Entrance to a cave with a horse or mule tethered outside.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Mary W. Caldwell was a missionary serving under the American Presbyterian Mission, South in Taichow, Jiangsu province, who took a trip through Gansu province in 1926., and On road from Henan Prov. To Sianfu, Shensi. My mule chain in background. (E. Shensi Prov.)