This present boke named the shyp of folys of the worlde was translated i the college of Saynt Mary Otery in the counte of Deuonshyre : out of Laten, Frenche, and Doche into Englysshe tonge / by Alexander Barclay preste ... the year of Our Lorde God M.CCCC
Barclay, Alexander, 1475?-1552, Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521, Loucher, Jacob, 1471-1528. This present boke named the shyp of folys of the worlde was translated i the college of Saynt Mary Otery in the counte of Deuonshyre : out of Laten, Frenche, and Doche into Englysshe tonge / by Alexander Barclay preste ... the year of Our Lorde God M.CCCC. ended the yere of Our Sauiour M.d.ix. the xiiii. day of December [1509]..
APA, 6th edition
Barclay, Alexander, 1475?-1552, & Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521, & Loucher, Jacob, 1471-1528. (ended the yere of Our Sauiour M.d.ix. the xiiii. day of December [1509].)[This present boke named the shyp of folys of the worlde was translated i the college of Saynt Mary Otery in the counte of Deuonshyre : out of Laten, Frenche, and Doche into Englysshe tonge / by Alexander Barclay preste ... the year of Our Lorde God M.CCCC].