DEUT. 15:7-11: "Tis the most absolute and indispensable duty of a people of God to give bountifully and willingly for the supply of the wants of the needy" (p. 6)
Edwards, Jonathan, 1703-1758. DEUT. 15:7-11: "Tis the most absolute and indispensable duty of a people of God to give bountifully and willingly for the supply of the wants of the needy" (p. 6). Box 1, folder 49. 1732/3 Jan.
APA, 6th edition
Edwards, Jonathan, 1703-1758. (["Box 1, folder 49"])(1732/3 Jan)[DEUT. 15:7-11: "Tis the most absolute and indispensable duty of a people of God to give bountifully and willingly for the supply of the wants of the needy" (p. 6)].