Invitation to a reading by Marinetti of “Poeti futuristi combattenti sul fronte russo.” 26 gen 1943. With “I Futuristi alla Biennale.” No source, 1943. [10231-5]
Invitation to a Reading by Marinetti of “Poeti Futuristi Combattenti Sul Fronte Russo.” 26 Gen 1943. With “I Futuristi Alla Biennale.” No Source, 1943. [10231-5]. 1943.
APA, 6th edition
Invitation to a reading by Marinetti of “Poeti futuristi combattenti sul fronte russo.” 26 gen 1943. With “I Futuristi alla Biennale.” No source, 1943. [10231-5]. (1943). [Scrapbooks].