REV. 3:5: "Christ will not be ashamed hereafter to own each one of them that have been his sincere and faithful followers before his Father and before his angels" (p. 3)
Edwards, Jonathan, 1703-1758. REV. 3:5: "Christ will not be ashamed hereafter to own each one of them that have been his sincere and faithful followers before his Father and before his angels" (p. 3). Box 12, folder 892. 1757, n.d..
APA, 6th edition
Edwards, Jonathan, 1703-1758. (["Box 12, folder 892"])(1757, n.d.)[REV. 3:5: "Christ will not be ashamed hereafter to own each one of them that have been his sincere and faithful followers before his Father and before his angels" (p. 3)].