Constitution and by-laws of Hilton Lodge, No. 2, A.Y.M. of Savannah, Ga. : held under the authority of a warrant granted by the M.W. Grand Lodge for the state of Georgia at its communication, held August 22, 1870.
Ancient York Masons. Hilton Lodge, No. 2 (Savannah, Ga.). Constitution and by-laws of Hilton Lodge, No. 2, A.Y.M. of Savannah, Ga. : held under the authority of a warrant granted by the M.W. Grand Lodge for the state of Georgia at its communication, held August 22, 1870.. 1874.
APA, 6th edition
Ancient York Masons. Hilton Lodge, No. 2 (Savannah, Ga.). (1874)[Constitution and by-laws of Hilton Lodge, No. 2, A.Y.M. of Savannah, Ga. : held under the authority of a warrant granted by the M.W. Grand Lodge for the state of Georgia at its communication, held August 22, 1870.].