Islamic doctrines : manuscript.
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Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Islamic doctrines : manuscript.
- Title
- Islamic doctrines : manuscript.
- Alternative Title
Arkān al-Islām.
Fīmā yajibu taʻallumuhu wa-taʻlīmuhu wa-al-ʻamal bi-hi lil-khāṣṣ wa-al-ʻāmm.
Sullam al-tawfīq ilá maḥabbat Allāh ʻalá al-taḥqīq.
أركان الإسلام.
فيما يجب تعلمه وتعليمه والعمل به للخاص والعام. - Published / Created
- 18th cengtury.
- Publication Place
- Place not identified,
- Abstract
Two anonymous treatises on Islamic doctrines: 1. Arkān al-Islam (folios 1a-26b), on the five pillars of Islam: Confession of the faith, prayer, fasting, pilgrimage to Mecca, and giving alms. 2. Sullam al-tawfīq ilá maḥabbat Allāh ʻalá al-taḥqīq (folios 28b-35b) "Ladder of success to the true love of God", also called Fīmā yajibu taʻallumuhu wa-taʻlīmuhu wa-al-ʻamal bi-hi lil-khāṣṣ wa-al-ʻāmm "What must be learnt, taught and followed privately and publically". The manuscripts are written in two different hands with ample spaces between the lines to accommodate the interlinear translation into Javanese (in Arabic script), possibly to be used by students to practice translation from Arabic into Javanese. No reference could be found for either title. Name of copyists and place and date of copying not mentioned, probably from the 18th century.
- Description
15 x 22 cm; written surface: 10.5 x 12 cm; 7-8 lines per page.
Binding: No covers (in four quires).
Colophon of Arkān al-Islām: Colophon missing. Ends with: "... al-amwāl allatī talzamu fīhā zakāh sittat anwāʻ: al-Naʻam, wa-al-naqdayn, wa-al-muʻashsharāt [al-muʻarrashāt], wa-amwal al-tijārah, wa-al-rikāz, wa-al-miʻdān [al-maʻādin]. Tammat [... ... ...]. Wa-Allāh aʻlam bi-al-ṣawāb."
Colophon of Sullam al-tawfīq ilá maḥabbat Allāh ʻalá al-taḥqīq: Colophon missing. Text ednd abruptly with: "... aw ʻinda ruʼyat jamʻ wa-ḥshr qāʼim fa-lam nughādir minhum aḥadan, yaqṣudu al-istikhfāf ..."
In Arabic with interlinear translation into Javanese.
In fair naskh script (Jawi style), in black ink on Indonesian paper called Daluang which is manufactured from the bark of a certain native tree called Saeh.
Incipit of Arkān al-Islām: "Bismillāh al-Raḥmān al-Raḥīm. al-Ḥamdu Allāh [lillāh] Rabb al-ʻĀlamīn wa-bi-hi nastaʻīn ʻalá umūr al-dunyā wa-al-dīn, wa-ṣallá Allāh wa-sallam ʻalá Sayyidinā Muḥammad khātim al-nabī [al-nabīyīn] wa-ālihi wa-ṣaḥbihi ajmaʻīn, wa-lā ḥawla wa-lā qūwata illā billāh al-ʻalī al-ʻaẓīm. Fa-qāla: Arkān al-Islām khamsah: Shahādat an lā ilāha illā Allāh wa-anna Muḥammadan Rasūl Allāh, wa-iqām al-ṣalāh, wa-ītāʼ al-zakāh, wa-ṣawm Ramaḍān, wa-ḥajj al-Bayt ..."
Incipit of Sullam al-tawfīq ilá maḥabbat Allāh ʻalá al-taḥqīq: "Bismillāh al-Raḥmān al-Raḥīm. al-Ḥamdu lillāh Rabb al-ʻĀlamīn, wa-ashhadu an lā ilāha illā Allāh waḥdah lā sharīka lah, wa-ashhadu anna Muḥammadan ʻabduhu wa-rasūluhu, ṣallá Allāh ʻalayhi wa-sallam wa-ʻalá ālihi wa-ṣaḥbihi wa-al-tābiʻīn. Ammā baʻd, fa-hādhā juzʼ laṭīf yassarahu Allāh taʻālá fīmā yajibu taʻallumuhu wa-taʻlīmuhu wa-al-ʻamal bi-hi lil-khāṣṣ wa-al-ʻāmm. Wa-al-wājib mā waʻada Allāh fāʻilahu bi-al-thawāb wa-tawaʻʻada tārikahu bi-al-ʻiqāb. Wa-sammaytuhu Sullam al-tawfīq ilá maḥabbat Allāh ʻalá al-taḥqīq ..."
On folio 1a two lines in Javanese script and crude drawings of what seems to be a snake, a sword, two birds and a larva (probably a talisman of some kind).
On folios 26b, 27a-28a scribbles in Arabic and in Javanese (in Arabic script).
Romanization supplied by cataloger.
Secundo folio of Sullam al-tawfīq ilá maḥabbat Allāh ʻalá al-taḥqīq: mā waʻada Allāh fāʻilahu.
Secundo folio: Arkān al-Islām: Arkān al-Islām khamsah.
Title of Arkān al-Islām from folio 1b.
Title of Sullam al-tawfīq ilá maḥabbat Allāh ʻalá al-taḥqīq from folio 29a.
بداية أركان الإسلام: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد الله [لله] رب العالمين وبه نستعين على أمور الدنيا والدين، وصلى الله وسلم على سيدنا محمد خاتم النبي [النبيين] وآله وصحبه أجمعين، ولا حول ولا قوة إلّا بالله العلي العظيم. فقال: أركان الإسلام خمسة: شهادة أن لا إله إلّا الله وأن محمدًا رسول الله، وإقام الصلاة، وإيتاء الزكاة، وصوم رمضان، وحج البيت ..."
بداية الورقة الثانية لـِ: أركان الإسلام: أركان الإسلام خمسة.
بداية الورقة الثانية لـِ: سلم التوفيق إلى محبة الله على التحقيق: ما وعد الله فاعله.
بداية سلم التوفيق إلى محبة الله على التحقيق: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله رب العالمين، وأشهد أن لا اله إلّا الله وحدة لا شريك لة، وأشهد أن محمدًا عبده ورسوله، صلى الله عليه وسلم وعلى آله وصحبه والتابعين. أما بعد، فهذا جزء لطيف يسره الله تعالى فيما يجب تعلمه وتعليمه والعمل به للخاص والعام. والواجب ما وعد الله فاعله بالثواب وتوعد تاركه بالعقاب. وسميته سلم التوفيق إلى محبة الله على التحقيق ..."
خاتمة أركان الاسلام: الخاتمة مفقودة. ينتهي بـِ: "... الأموال التي تلزم فيها زكوة ستة أنواع: النعم، والنقدين، والمعشراة [والمعرّشات]، وأمول التجارة، والركاز، والمعدان [والمعادن]. تمت [... ... ...]. والله أعلم بالصواب."
خاتمة سلم التوفيق إلى محبة الله على التحقيق: الخاتمة مفقودة. ينتهي النص فجأةً بـِ: "... أو عند رؤية جمع وحشر قائم فلم نغادر منهم أحدًا، يقصد الاستخفاف ..." - Extent
- 1 volume (35 leaves) ; 22 cm
- Extent of Digitization
- This object has been partially digitized.
- Language
Collection Information
- Repository
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
- Call Number
- Arabic MSS suppl. 599
Subjects, Formats, And Genres
- Format
- text
- Genre
Manuscripts, Arabic--18th century. - Material
- paper
- Resource Type
- Archives or Manuscripts
- Subject (Topic)
Arabic manuscripts.
Islam--Doctrines--Early works to 1800.
Access And Usage Rights
- Access
- Public
- Rights
- The use of this image may be subject to the copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) or to site license or other rights management terms and conditions. The person using the image is liable for any infringement.
- Citation
- Islamic doctrines. General Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
- Orbis Record
- 13272039
- Object ID (OID)
- 10842248