The whole state of Europe, or, An hieroglyphick for [the] election of an emperor of Germany being an explanation of those three curious emblematick capital paintings of Sr. R--t W--l's at his house in Chelsea / [graphic]
Vandrùˆlle I. B., and printmaker. The Whole State of Europe, or, An Hieroglyphick for [the] Election of an Emperor of Germany Being an Explanation of Those Three Curious Emblematick Capital Paintings of Sr. R--t W--l's at His House in Chelsea / [Graphic]. publisher not identified, 0AD.
APA, 6th edition
Vandrùˆlle I. B., & printmaker. (0 C.E.). The whole state of Europe, or, An hieroglyphick for [the] election of an emperor of Germany being an explanation of those three curious emblematick capital paintings of Sr. R--t W--l's at his house in Chelsea / [graphic] [Caricatures and cartoons, Satires (Visual works) England 1741, Etchings England London 1741]. publisher not identified.