The doubting virgin, and the constant youngman. observe what here is put in print, all you that do love merriment: it's for young men and maids also, stay and hear't o're before you go. Tune of, The repriev'd captive, by Tobias Brown [sic].
Bowne, Tobias. The Doubting Virgin, and the Constant Youngman. Observe What Here Is Put in Print, All You That Do Love Merriment: It's for Young Men and Maids Also, Stay and Hear't o'Re before You Go. Tune of, The Repriev'd Captive, by Tobias Brown [Sic]. Printed for P[hilip]. Brooksby at the Golden-Ball in Pye-corner, 0AD.
APA, 6th edition
Bowne, T. (0 C.E.). The doubting virgin, and the constant youngman. observe what here is put in print, all you that do love merriment: it's for young men and maids also, stay and hear't o're before you go. Tune of, The repriev'd captive, by Tobias Brown [sic]. Printed for P[hilip]. Brooksby at the Golden-Ball in Pye-corner,