Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. Missione del Kenya - Serie IX - La Donna nel Paganesimo. "85 - I lavori dei campi son fatti dalla donna con un coltellaccio." An aged woman leans at the waist to drive a tool into the earth of what appears to be a barren field. The back of the postcard has no handwriting on it. Printed at the top of the correspondence section is "Istituto - Collegio Internazionale Della Consolata per le Missioni Estere - Torino (17) Corso Ferruccio, 16 "La Consolata" periodico mensile - Abbonamento L. 5 annue".
Collection Information
Yale Divinity Library
Collection Title
Missionary Postcard Collection
Collection / Other Creator
Yale Divinity Library Special Collections. Divinity School. Day Missions Library
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