Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. Serie XVIII - Armi e Guerrieri - 175 "Nelle Missioni Della Consolata - Il re Karoli ai tempi delle sue vittorie contro i Massai." A man raises a spear with a long, narrow spearhead. He holds an ovoid shield and wears a thin, dark wrap. The back of the postcard has no handwriting on it. Printed at the top of the correspondence section is "Missioni Della Consolata 12, Corso Ferruccio - Torino (117)" "Il collegio riceve gratuitamente, per prepare e inviare in Missione : Sacerdoti, Chierici, Studenti, Artigiani e qualsiasi persona che desideri consacrarsi all'apostolato. Similmente ricevono giovani ragazze le Suore Missionarie della Consolata." "La Consolata, mensile illustrato - L. 5 annue."
Collection Information
Yale Divinity Library
Collection Title
Missionary Postcard Collection
Collection / Other Creator
Yale Divinity Library Special Collections. Divinity School. Day Missions Library
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