Portrait of two girls, Bafwabaka, Congo, ca. 1920-1940
Published / Created
Publication Place
Bafwabaka, Congo, Africa
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. The back of the postcard is blank and includes the caption: "Types de Jeunes Filles" ("Types of young girls") and also includes information about the mission agency: "Institut des Soeurs de l'Enfant Jesus a Nivelles- Mission de Bafwabaka (Congo Belge)" and also includes information about the publisher: "Ern. Thill, Bruxelles." Two girls wearing traditional clothing are posed for a portrait, one with her arm around her friend who is wearing a head scarf.
14 x 9 cm.
Collection Information
Yale Divinity Library
Collection Title
Missionary Postcard Collection
Collection / Other Creator
Yale Divinity Library Special Collections. Divinity School. Day Missions Library
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