Catholic father teaching the catechism to a young boy, Congo, ca. 1920-1940
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Yale Divinity Library > Catholic father teaching the catechism to a young boy, Congo, ca. 1920-1940
Catholic father teaching the catechism to a young boy, Congo, ca. 1920-1940
Published / Created
Publication Place
Congo, Africa
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. The back of the postcard has no handwriting. Printed in the margin of the correspondence section is "Oeuvre des Vocations et des Missions Dominicaines. Roeping-en Missiewerk der EE. PP. Predikheeren." "Mission Dominicaine de L'Uele Oriental. Congo Belte. Dominikaansche Missie in Belgisch Congo." Watsa. Lecon de catechisme - Catechismusies A Catholic missionary father sits outdoors with a young boy, instructing him in the catechism.
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