Woman kneading with her child on her back, Congo, ca. 1933
Published / Created
Publication Place
Congo, Africa
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. Chretienne, sous le poids du travail... et de son enfant (Mission du Lac Albert). A woman kneels and kneads on a flat stone. Her child is slung on her back, and behind them a thatched structure can be seen. The back of the postcard is closely covered in handwriting, and is stamped and postmarked. Printed in the margin of the correspondence section is "Prions pour les Missions d'Afrique; secourons-les par l'intermediare de la Sodalite de S. Pierre Claver - Maison Central: Rome (23) - Via dell'Olmata, 16; Fribourg Rue Zaebringen, 96" "La chose la plus divine parmi les divines, est de cooperer au salut des ames."
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