Catholic bishop portaging a pack, Canada, ca. 1920-1940
Published / Created
Publication Place
Canada, North America
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. Missions d'Extreme Nord Canadien - Serie VI "Au passage des rapides, il faut transporter materiel et bateau... l'Eveque s'execute." A Catholic bishop carries a heavy pack through the forest, a canoe visible to the side of the frame. On the back of the postcard is printed "Missionnaires Oblats de Marie-Immaculee. Oeuvre des Missions O. M. I. - 75, Rue de l'Assomption - Paris (XVIc) Abonnez-vous aux Petites Annales des Missionnaires Oblats de Marie-Immaculee Revue Mensuelle - 10 fr. C. C. 99.99 Paris"
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