Women bathing infants outdoors, Kisantu, Congo, ca. 1920-1940
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Yale Divinity Library > Women bathing infants outdoors, Kisantu, Congo, ca. 1920-1940
Women bathing infants outdoors, Kisantu, Congo, ca. 1920-1940
Published / Created
Publication Place
Kisantu, Congo, Africa
"Misison des R.R. P. P. Jesuites au Kwango. Kwango-Missie der E. E. P. P. Jezuiten in Kongo" "Kisantu L'oeuvre de la "Goutte de Lait". Les bebes au bain. Het werk der "Melk voor de kleinen" In de waschkom." A group of women are gathered outdoors near a number of brick buildings, washing infants in small basins. The back of the postcard is blank. Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
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