To the Queen, [graphic] : with Her Majesty's most gracious permission this work is respectfully inscribed by Her Majesty's most faithful, obedient and humble servant Harriet Abrams, Park Lane, 1803 / Js. Gillray inv. & ft.
Found In:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > To the Queen, [graphic] : with Her Majesty's most gracious permission this work is respectfully inscribed by Her Majesty's most faithful, obedient and humble servant Harriet Abrams, Park Lane, 1803 / Js. Gillray inv. & ft.
"Dedication sheet 'To the Queen' from the singer Harriet Abrams; three cherubs sitting facing right, singing, on clouds which curve up and support a lyre and laurel above them, below a crown in rays of light; for an unidentified publication."--British Museum online catalogue.