Chronological sequence - (L. to R.) Miss Kit-king Lei, Miss Ruth Stahl, Miss Mary Sweeny, Miss Caroline Chen. Miss Sweeny of the Merrill-Palmer School came to the campus as an advisor to our Child Welfare Program in Yenching
Chronological Sequence - (L. to R.) Miss Kit-King Lei, Miss Ruth Stahl, Miss Mary Sweeny, Miss Caroline Chen. Miss Sweeny of the Merrill-Palmer School Came to the Campus as an Advisor to Our Child Welfare Program in Yenching. 1948.
APA, 6th edition
Chronological sequence - (L. to R.) Miss Kit-king Lei, Miss Ruth Stahl, Miss Mary Sweeny, Miss Caroline Chen. Miss Sweeny of the Merrill-Palmer School came to the campus as an advisor to our Child Welfare Program in Yenching. (1948). [Photographs (AAT)].