Miscellaneous - Religions meeting for University workmen, out of 80. 45 participated in the first session. Feb. 27, 1949. Program: Singing, religions talk based on filmstrips. Place: Home of M.C. Swen
Miscellaneous - Religions Meeting for University Workmen, out of 80. 45 Participated in the First Session. Feb. 27, 1949. Program: Singing, Religions Talk Based on Filmstrips. Place: Home of M.C. Swen. 1949. https://collections.library.yale.edu/catalog/12378126.
APA, 6th edition
Miscellaneous - Religions meeting for University workmen, out of 80. 45 participated in the first session. Feb. 27, 1949. Program: Singing, religions talk based on filmstrips. Place: Home of M.C. Swen. (1949). [Photographs (AAT)]. https://collections.library.yale.edu/catalog/12378126.