John Bull and his friends : a serio-comic map of Europe ... 1900 / by Fred. W. Rose ; Matt. B. Hewerdine from a sketch by Fred. W. Rose.
Hewerdine, Matt, Rose, Fredk. W. (Frederick W.). John Bull and his friends : a serio-comic map of Europe ... 1900 / by Fred. W. Rose ; Matt. B. Hewerdine from a sketch by Fred. W. Rose.. BRBL_00032. [1900].
APA, 6th edition
Hewerdine, Matt, & Rose, Fredk. W. (Frederick W.). (["BRBL_00032"])([1900])[John Bull and his friends : a serio-comic map of Europe ... 1900 / by Fred. W. Rose ; Matt. B. Hewerdine from a sketch by Fred. W. Rose.].