Supplica delli Conti Agostino Landi, Giovanni Angosciola...portata al signor Don Ferrante Gonzaga, Governator della Stato di Milano. Ms. in Latin. 22 pages, numbered ff. 139-150. Dated at end: Parma, December 1580. Landi, Angosciola (Anguissola?), Pallavinci, and Gonfalieri address Don Ferrante Gonzaga for not complying with the summons issued against them to appear in a Roman court, in order to contest the charge of having conspired to murder Pier Luigi Farnese. The reasons which impelled them to conspire are given.
Supplica Delli Conti Agostino Landi, Giovanni Angosciola...portata Al Signor Don Ferrante Gonzaga, Governator Della Stato Di Milano. Ms. in Latin. 22 Pages, Numbered Ff. 139-150. Dated at End: Parma, December 1580. Landi, Angosciola (Anguissola?), Pallavinci, and Gonfalieri Address Don Ferrante Gonzaga for Not Complying with the Summons Issued against Them to Appear in a Roman Court, in Order to Contest the Charge of Having Conspired to Murder Pier Luigi Farnese. The Reasons Which Impelled Them to Conspire Are given. 0AD.
APA, 6th edition
Supplica delli Conti Agostino Landi, Giovanni Angosciola...portata al signor Don Ferrante Gonzaga, Governator della Stato di Milano. Ms. in Latin. 22 pages, numbered ff. 139-150. Dated at end: Parma, December 1580. Landi, Angosciola (Anguissola?), Pallavinci, and Gonfalieri address Don Ferrante Gonzaga for not complying with the summons issued against them to appear in a Roman court, in order to contest the charge of having conspired to murder Pier Luigi Farnese. The reasons which impelled them to conspire are given. (0 C.E.).