A Plan of the Posts of York And Gloucester in the province of Virginia, Established by his MAjesty's Army under the Command of Lieuttt. General Earl Cornwallis, together with the Attacks and operations of the American & French Forces Commanded by General
A Plan of the Posts of York And Gloucester in the Province of Virginia, Established by His MAjesty's Army under the Command of Lieuttt. General Earl Cornwallis, Together with the Attacks and Operations of the American & French Forces Commanded by General. 1782. https://collections.library.yale.edu/catalog/15811306.
APA, 6th edition
A Plan of the Posts of York And Gloucester in the province of Virginia, Established by his MAjesty's Army under the Command of Lieuttt. General Earl Cornwallis, together with the Attacks and operations of the American & French Forces Commanded by General. (1782). [Maps]. https://collections.library.yale.edu/catalog/15811306.