Alaska, Prince William Sound region, Port Valdez District [cartographic material] / U.S. Geological Survey, Alfred H. Brooks, Geologist in charge of division ; topography by J.W. Bagley and C.E. Giffin.
Geological Survey (U.S.). Alaska, Prince William Sound region, Port Valdez District [cartographic material] / U.S. Geological Survey, Alfred H. Brooks, Geologist in charge of division ; topography by J.W. Bagley and C.E. Giffin.. BRBL_00634. [1915].
APA, 6th edition
Geological Survey (U.S.). (["BRBL_00634"])([1915])[Alaska, Prince William Sound region, Port Valdez District [cartographic material] / U.S. Geological Survey, Alfred H. Brooks, Geologist in charge of division ; topography by J.W. Bagley and C.E. Giffin.].