Bhils youth fife and drum band, Rajasthan, India, ca.1920-1940
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Yale Divinity Library > Bhils youth fife and drum band, Rajasthan, India, ca.1920-1940
Bhils youth fife and drum band, Rajasthan, India, ca.1920-1940
Published / Created
between 1920 and 1940
"Les Capucins français aux Indes. La Mission du Sacré-Coeur au Rajputana [Rajasthan]. La clique de l'école de Mickhelpura, chez les Bhils." A fife and drum band of young boys with their teacher pose for the camera. The boys are from the tribal people known as Bhils. They are all dressed alike and standing in front of a building. Additional information indicates that this postcard was printed in Paris.
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