Yale University. School of Medicine. Yale University. School of Nursing.
Published / Created
Publication Place
New Haven, CT
Yale University School of Nursing, Class of 1939. Members of class: Estelle Florence Abrams, Esther Cooley Anderson, Kathleen Mary Barrett, Barbara Bastow, Alice Constance Blinn, Miriam Mathilda Blomquist, Irene Bowman, Anne Bruchal, Ruth Erskine Curtis, Louise Darby Danforth, Bessie Dariotis, Marion Draper, Ruth Bartlett Groves, Helen Elizabeth Hallfors, Florence Janet Hankins, Madoline Hartwell, Elizabeth Hollander, Kathleen Adelle Hughes, Marion Dorsey Iglehart, Lorraine Margaret Jorgensen, Katharine Ketcham, Frances Ellen Kingsley, Eleanor Ann Knight, Gertrude Dorothea Knott, Sylvia Bernice Levitt, Sarah Catherine MacDonald, Katherine Elizabeth Matthews, Janet Elizabeth Morton, Laura Elisabeth Oster, Jessie Elizabeth Parkinson, Marjorie Elvira Peck, Eleanor Louise Phillips, Louisa Thebaud Glover Popham, Lucile Lyon Pratt, Eleanor Shepard Roberts, Barbara Russell, Lois Mead Ryman, Abigail Adams Scott, Mary Nash Squier, Ruth Kimball Suttie, Elizabeth Jane Sweet, Frances Van Loan, Eleanor Bliss Ward, Frances Crandall Wheelock, Jane Wilcox, Eleanor Casner Wisser, Marian Wayman Young.
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