A coat of arms, divided into four quadrants. Two of these quadrants are alike in design, each featuring two lions and six small birds. At the upper right is a quadrant with three engrailed-edged piles. The lower left quadrant contains a engrailed-edged cross. Found in the center is a smaller shield with pomegranate with a crown over it. At the helm, protruding from a large crown, is a knight's helmet surrounded by mantling. At the crest, atop a torse, is a right-handed fist, emerging from a heart and grasping a sword. The shield is flanked by two lion-esque creatures. Above the image is the motto True To The End. Below the shield, surrounded by decoration, is Fides Probata Coronat.
(It should be noted that Hume is not a surgeon. While an exile, Hume adopted the name of a surgeon, Dr. Wallace.)
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