Young Bateman's ghost, or, a godly warning to all maidens, : by the example of God's judgment shewn upon one German's wife, of Clifton, in the county of Nottingham, who lately lying in child bed, was borne away, and never heard of after. Tune Flying fame
Young Bateman's Ghost, or, a Godly Warning to All Maidens, : by the Example of God's Judgment Shewn upon One German's Wife, of Clifton, in the County of Nottingham, Who Lately Lying in Child Bed, Was Borne Away, and Never Heard of after. Tune Flying Fame. s.n., 0AD.
APA, 6th edition
Young Bateman's ghost, or, a godly warning to all maidens, : by the example of God's judgment shewn upon one German's wife, of Clifton, in the county of Nottingham, who lately lying in child bed, was borne away, and never heard of after. Tune Flying fame. (0 C.E.). [Early works to 1800, Songs, Single sheet verse, Broadside poems, Woodcuts England London 1760]. s.n.