13. [Bruder Hitler] TAGEBUCHBLAeTTER. ANFANG APRIL 1938, BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIEN Typescript (original) with corrections by TM; 14 numbered leaves A BROTHER -- THIS MAN IS MY BROTHER Manuscript in the hand of HLP with her corrections; 28 leaves DER BRUDER Page proof from Achtung, Europa! with a few autograph corrections by TM; pages 167-177 with Table of Contents and half-title.
Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955. 13. [Bruder Hitler] TAGEBUCHBLAeTTER. ANFANG APRIL 1938, BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIEN Typescript (original) with corrections by TM; 14 numbered leaves A BROTHER -- THIS MAN IS MY BROTHER Manuscript in the hand of HLP with her corrections; 28 leaves DER BRUDER Page proof from Achtung, Europa! with a few autograph corrections by TM; pages 167-177 with Table of Contents and half-title.. Box 1, folder 13. 1926-45. https://collections.library.yale.edu/catalog/17268839.
APA, 6th edition
Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955. (["Box 1, folder 13"])(1926-45)[13. [Bruder Hitler] TAGEBUCHBLAeTTER. ANFANG APRIL 1938, BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIEN Typescript (original) with corrections by TM; 14 numbered leaves A BROTHER -- THIS MAN IS MY BROTHER Manuscript in the hand of HLP with her corrections; 28 leaves DER BRUDER Page proof from Achtung, Europa! with a few autograph corrections by TM; pages 167-177 with Table of Contents and half-title.]. https://collections.library.yale.edu/catalog/17268839.