101. [Was wir verlangen muessen] GEGEN DIE FALSCHE REVOLUTION I [-II] Typescript (carbon) with titles in TM's hand; 6 leaves numbered 1-4 (section I) and 1-2 (section II)
Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955. 101. [Was wir verlangen muessen] GEGEN DIE FALSCHE REVOLUTION I [-II] Typescript (carbon) with titles in TM's hand; 6 leaves numbered 1-4 (section I) and 1-2 (section II). Box 11, folder 207. 1926-45. https://collections.library.yale.edu/catalog/17268856.
APA, 6th edition
Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955. (["Box 11, folder 207"])(1926-45)[101. [Was wir verlangen muessen] GEGEN DIE FALSCHE REVOLUTION I [-II] Typescript (carbon) with titles in TM's hand; 6 leaves numbered 1-4 (section I) and 1-2 (section II)]. https://collections.library.yale.edu/catalog/17268856.