Doctor Rock's speech to the political mob in Covent-Garden [graphic].
Doctor Rock's Speech to the Political Mob in Covent-Garden [Graphic]. Published April 2d, 1743, according to Act of Parliament, by G. Foster, at the White Horse, on Ludgate-Hill, and G. Bickham in May's-Buildings, Cove[nt-Garden, London--lacking], 0AD.
APA, 6th edition
Doctor Rock's speech to the political mob in Covent-Garden [graphic]. (0 C.E.). [Satires (Visual works), Engravings]. Published April 2d, 1743, according to Act of Parliament, by G. Foster, at the White Horse, on Ludgate-Hill, and G. Bickham in May's-Buildings, Cove[nt-Garden, London--lacking].