The craft in danger an uproar among the craftsmen at Ephesus, opposing a new species of knowledge which they thought might interfere with the profits of their trade. Acts XIX Ver. 23 &c. / [graphic]
Kay, John, 1742-1826. The craft in danger an uproar among the craftsmen at Ephesus, opposing a new species of knowledge which they thought might interfere with the profits of their trade. Acts XIX Ver. 23 &c. / [graphic]. [not before 1817].
APA, 6th edition
Kay, John, 1742-1826. ([not before 1817])[The craft in danger an uproar among the craftsmen at Ephesus, opposing a new species of knowledge which they thought might interfere with the profits of their trade. Acts XIX Ver. 23 &c. / [graphic]].