Caldisi, Blanford & Co., Photographers, 13 Pall Mall East, London, at P.& D. Colnaghi, Scott & Co. Full length portrait of Dionysus (Dion) Boucicault; man, formally dressed, top hat in hand, leaning on chair. Carte de visite
Simpson, Randolph Linsly, 1927-1992. Caldisi, Blanford & Co., Photographers, 13 Pall Mall East, London, at P.& D. Colnaghi, Scott & Co. Full length portrait of Dionysus (Dion) Boucicault; man, formally dressed, top hat in hand, leaning on chair. Carte de visite. Box 11, folder 410. circa 1870.
APA, 6th edition
Simpson, Randolph Linsly, 1927-1992. (["Box 11, folder 410"])(circa 1870)[Caldisi, Blanford & Co., Photographers, 13 Pall Mall East, London, at P.& D. Colnaghi, Scott & Co. Full length portrait of Dionysus (Dion) Boucicault; man, formally dressed, top hat in hand, leaning on chair. Carte de visite].