Fig., 2. Branch with leaves and fruit of A. Menziesii, 1.2 natural size. [and] Fig. 2a. Flowers of A. Menziessi, 1.2 natural size. [[Illustrations on page 23 of REPORTS VOL. 6.]
Fig., 2. Branch with Leaves and Fruit of A. Menziesii, 1.2 Natural Size. [and] Fig. 2a. Flowers of A. Menziessi, 1.2 Natural Size. [[Illustrations on Page 23 of REPORTS VOL. 6.]. 0AD.
APA, 6th edition
Fig., 2. Branch with leaves and fruit of A. Menziesii, 1.2 natural size. [and] Fig. 2a. Flowers of A. Menziessi, 1.2 natural size. [[Illustrations on page 23 of REPORTS VOL. 6.]. (0 C.E.). [Relief prints, Wood engravings].