An act to enable Their Majesties to dispense with the Statute of 25 Car. 2. touching the sacramental test, and to employ any of their Protestant subjects in the common defence of themselves, their government, and these kingdoms.
England, and Wales. An Act to Enable Their Majesties to Dispense with the Statute of 25 Car. 2. Touching the Sacramental Test, and to Employ Any of Their Protestant Subjects in the Common Defence of Themselves, Their Government, and These Kingdoms. 1690.
APA, 6th edition
E., & W. (1690). An act to enable Their Majesties to dispense with the Statute of 25 Car. 2. touching the sacramental test, and to employ any of their Protestant subjects in the common defence of themselves, their government, and these kingdoms. [Broadsides].