A second profitable adventure to the fortunate, and which unfortunate can be to none, being a proposal by way of lottery, of advantage as well as encouragement to such as shall bring in the first millions worth of standard plate to be coined ...
Neale, Thomas, d. 1699?. A second profitable adventure to the fortunate, and which unfortunate can be to none, being a proposal by way of lottery, of advantage as well as encouragement to such as shall bring in the first millions worth of standard plate to be coined .... Reprinted March 12, 1695. https://collections.library.yale.edu/catalog/2040780.
APA, 6th edition
Neale, Thomas, d. 1699?. (Reprinted March 12, 1695)[A second profitable adventure to the fortunate, and which unfortunate can be to none, being a proposal by way of lottery, of advantage as well as encouragement to such as shall bring in the first millions worth of standard plate to be coined ...]. https://collections.library.yale.edu/catalog/2040780.