Miscellaneous poems and translations &c. Johnson's collection of poems, MSS. Most of which were never printed ... by several hands & on various subjects, many of them by gentlemen of his acquaintance, some about his relations
Johnson, Maurice, 1688-1755. Miscellaneous poems and translations &c. Johnson's collection of poems, MSS. Most of which were never printed ... by several hands & on various subjects, many of them by gentlemen of his acquaintance, some about his relations. [early 18th century]. https://collections.library.yale.edu/catalog/2044424.
APA, 6th edition
Johnson, Maurice, 1688-1755. ([early 18th century])[Miscellaneous poems and translations &c. Johnson's collection of poems, MSS. Most of which were never printed ... by several hands & on various subjects, many of them by gentlemen of his acquaintance, some about his relations]. https://collections.library.yale.edu/catalog/2044424.