A sermon preach’t in the cathedrall and metropoliticall church of Saint Peters in Yorke, upon the 23 of Aprill last, being St. George’s day, and the day of the coronation of His Sacred Majesty Charles the Second ... / by Thomas Bradley ...
Bradley, Thomas, 1597-1670. A sermon preach’t in the cathedrall and metropoliticall church of Saint Peters in Yorke, upon the 23 of Aprill last, being St. George’s day, and the day of the coronation of His Sacred Majesty Charles the Second ... / by Thomas Bradley .... 1661. https://collections.library.yale.edu/catalog/2065910.
APA, 6th edition
Bradley, Thomas, 1597-1670. (1661)[A sermon preach’t in the cathedrall and metropoliticall church of Saint Peters in Yorke, upon the 23 of Aprill last, being St. George’s day, and the day of the coronation of His Sacred Majesty Charles the Second ... / by Thomas Bradley ...]. https://collections.library.yale.edu/catalog/2065910.