By the King ... : whereas Arthur Standish ... hath taken much paines ... in ... publishing in a Booke, some projects for the increasing of VVoods ... VVe haue therefore beene pleased to giue allowance to his Booke, and to the printing thereof ... Given vnder our Signet at Andeuer the first day of August, in the ninth yeere of our Reigne of England ... [Coat of arms].
England and Wales, Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I), creator. By the King ... : whereas Arthur Standish ... hath taken much paines ... in ... publishing in a Booke, some projects for the increasing of VVoods ... VVe haue therefore beene pleased to giue allowance to his Booke, and to the printing thereof ... Given vnder our Signet at Andeuer the first day of August, in the ninth yeere of our Reigne of England ... [Coat of arms].. 1611?.
APA, 6th edition
England and Wales, Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I), creator. (1611?)[By the King ... : whereas Arthur Standish ... hath taken much paines ... in ... publishing in a Booke, some projects for the increasing of VVoods ... VVe haue therefore beene pleased to giue allowance to his Booke, and to the printing thereof ... Given vnder our Signet at Andeuer the first day of August, in the ninth yeere of our Reigne of England ... [Coat of arms].].