BEIN If M81 r516: Inscription: Su[m] Tunstalli. From the libraries of Thomas Godwyn, J. Hilton, John Loveday, and the Loveday family from 1736-1940. Contemporary blindstamped Flemish binding, clasps wanting. No.4 of 7 works bound together. The earliest appearance of Hebrew type in France. Signatures: A-B⁴ C⁶ D-Y⁴. Imprint from colophon. Colophon: Operoso huic opusculo extremam imposuit manum Egidius Gourmontius integerrimus, ac fidelissimus, primus duce Francisco Tissardo Ambac[a]eo, gr[a]ecarum, et hebraearum litterarum Parrhisijs Impressor. Anno a natiuitate domini M.CCCCCVIII. Quarto Calen. Februa. Printer's device on p. [1]. Described in Brunet, Manuel du libraire, 5e éd., t.5, col.866-867.
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