"An a bunch of green colored fellers got out' a the thing an' when they asked me where they wuz ah said Georgia, an' they said, uh, uh, le's git out' a here fas'. We're the wrong color!"
Harrington, Oliver W. (Oliver Wendell), 1912-1995. "An a bunch of green colored fellers got out' a the thing an' when they asked me where they wuz ah said Georgia, an' they said, uh, uh, le's git out' a here fas'. We're the wrong color!". Box 23 (Oversize). undated. https://collections.library.yale.edu/catalog/33076445.
APA, 6th edition
Harrington, Oliver W. (Oliver Wendell), 1912-1995. (["Box 23 (Oversize)"])(undated)["An a bunch of green colored fellers got out' a the thing an' when they asked me where they wuz ah said Georgia, an' they said, uh, uh, le's git out' a here fas'. We're the wrong color!"]. https://collections.library.yale.edu/catalog/33076445.