Maps and prints sold and fram'd for parlors, staircases and closets at reasonable rates merchants or other dealers in towne or country may be furnished whole sale or retaile at [the] lowest prizes. [graphic]
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Lewis Walpole Library > Maps and prints sold and fram'd for parlors, staircases and closets at reasonable rates merchants or other dealers in towne or country may be furnished whole sale or retaile at [the] lowest prizes. [graphic]
A trade card advertising the services provided by the printseller and picture restorer Robert Hulton, whose shop was at on the corner of Pall Mall facing the Haymarket. A medley print with text in image on the left "Paintings, prints & Indian picktures [sic] carfully [sic] clean'd. mended and lined" and on the right "The following particulars made & sold very cheap by Rt. Hulton at the corner of Pallmall facing [the] Hay-markett, St. James's, London