Articles of association, entered into July 1st, 1803, by the tenants of Sir George Pauncefote, Bart. and by several Gentlemen, farmers, and others, of the County of Nottingham, for the prosecution of persons guilty of committing felony, or any other depredation against the properties of the subscribers in the said county
Articles of Association, Entered into July 1st, 1803, by the Tenants of Sir George Pauncefote, Bart. and by Several Gentlemen, Farmers, and Others, of the County of Nottingham, for the Prosecution of Persons Guilty of Committing Felony, or Any Other Depredation against the Properties of the Subscribers in the Said County. Hage, printer, Newark, 0AD.
APA, 6th edition
Articles of association, entered into July 1st, 1803, by the tenants of Sir George Pauncefote, Bart. and by several Gentlemen, farmers, and others, of the County of Nottingham, for the prosecution of persons guilty of committing felony, or any other depredation against the properties of the subscribers in the said county. (0 C.E.). Hage, printer, Newark.