The life and adventures of Henry Lanson, the only son of a wealthy planter in the West Indies : who, when on his voyage to England, was put on shore at an uninhabited island, where, on his perambulation up the country, he discovers the ruins of an ancient temple; and near it, the oracle of the sun, a large rude carved idol made of pure brilliant gold of a wonderful construction; which contained an immense and inestimable collection of preciouse Indian curiosoities. The manner of his converting the natives of a neighbouring island, with whom he lived several years before his departure; when he took with him an incredible quantity of riches, from the idol; and at length arrived safe in England
The Life and Adventures of Henry Lanson, the Only Son of a Wealthy Planter in the West Indies : Who, When on His Voyage to England, Was Put on Shore at an Uninhabited Island, Where, on His Perambulation up the Country, He Discovers the Ruins of an Ancient Temple; and near It, the Oracle of the Sun, a Large Rude Carved Idol Made of Pure Brilliant Gold of a Wonderful Construction; Which Contained an Immense and Inestimable Collection of Preciouse Indian Curiosoities. The Manner of His Converting the Natives of a Neighbouring Island, with Whom He Lived Several Years before His Departure; When He Took with Him an Incredible Quantity of Riches, from the Idol; and at Length Arrived Safe in England. Printed and sold by S. Fisher, no. 10, St. John's Lane, Clerkenwell, Also sold by T. Hurst, no. 32, Paternoster-row, 0AD.
APA, 6th edition
The life and adventures of Henry Lanson, the only son of a wealthy planter in the West Indies : who, when on his voyage to England, was put on shore at an uninhabited island, where, on his perambulation up the country, he discovers the ruins of an ancient temple; and near it, the oracle of the sun, a large rude carved idol made of pure brilliant gold of a wonderful construction; which contained an immense and inestimable collection of preciouse Indian curiosoities. The manner of his converting the natives of a neighbouring island, with whom he lived several years before his departure; when he took with him an incredible quantity of riches, from the idol; and at length arrived safe in England. (0 C.E.). [Fiction, Specimens, Frontispieces]. Printed and sold by S. Fisher, no. 10, St. John's Lane, Clerkenwell, Also sold by T. Hurst, no. 32, Paternoster-row.