Weymouth. On Tuesday next a grand spectacle will be exhibited by the managers of the Cumberland Company of Players, called The mock election
Weymouth. On Tuesday next a Grand Spectacle Will Be Exhibited by the Managers of the Cumberland Company of Players, Called The Mock Election. G. Kay, printer, adjoining the Guildhall, St. Edmund-Street, Weymouth, 0AD. https://collections.library.yale.edu/catalog/33111666.
APA, 6th edition
Weymouth. On Tuesday next a grand spectacle will be exhibited by the managers of the Cumberland Company of Players, called The mock election. (0 C.E.). [Satires, Broadsides, Annotations (Provenance) 19th century]. G. Kay, printer, adjoining the Guildhall, St. Edmund-Street, Weymouth. https://collections.library.yale.edu/catalog/33111666.